Online Enrollment
To enroll your student for a sport, use the FACTS Enrollment portal. You will be prompted to upload the following forms: an MSHSL Athletic Eligibility Brochure and an MSHSL Sports Qualifying Physical Examination Form.
If you will be uploading the document(s), you must upload prior to submitting the online packet. You will be unable to come back and upload after the enrollment packet has been submitted. If not submitted while enrolling online, please turn in completed forms to the Athletics Department.
Only select YES, if your student is entering 7th-12th grade AND will be participating in athletic activities.
The following forms must be submitted to the school office before students, in grades 7th-12th, may practice.
An MSHSL Athletic Eligibility Brochure (Varsity and JV teams)
A copy of a recent (within the past three years) physical for students in grades 7th-12th.
The athletic participation fee will be paid through FACTS.
A student may not practice—but should still attend and observe—until all required items have been submitted to the school office.
Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information about Liberty's Extracurricular Activities Policy.
Updated Athletic Participation Policy (Effective April 2023)
We will begin phasing out the inclusion of co-op and homeschool partnerships in some of our sports over the course of the next few years. Doing so allows our growing student body to be ensured we are committed to better developing the skills of our Liberty players and providing them the opportunities to play on Liberty teams.
Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, this will apply to all levels of boys’ basketball, girls’ and boys’ volleyball, middle school baseball, clay target, and all track and field teams with the exception of any, current homeschool athlete in 7th-12th grade who has an existing homeschool agreement with Liberty Classical Academy. These athletes will be grandfathered into the sports they play with Liberty for the duration of their high school years if they so choose.
Additionally, we will be following the MSHSL policy for varsity sports of allowing students to play on their previous school’s team for one year following a move to another school.
Each year, we will evaluate our sports programs and announce any sports that will no longer be available to homeschooled or co-op students depending on the internal interest of our students. Also, we will continue to co-op with other schoolsif an individual student(s) has an interest in a sport we don’t host internally.