Body of Values 3: Loving Relationships
Value number 3: Loving Relationships
Thoughts from Headmaster, Rebekah Hagstrom
Loving relationships are at the core of the Christian faith. God created humankind for loving relationship with Himself. He affectionately pursues us and desires that we place our hope and trust in his son, Jesus. By doing so, we enter into a life-changing relationship with the God of the universe that when earnestly practiced, will change the trajectory of our lives and overwhelm us with a sense of God’s perfect, unconditional love. There is no greater demonstration of love than that.
Loving Relationship with Christ
Every relationship we have on earth as Christians should reflect the loving relationship Christ has with us and desires we have with Him. Jesus calls us in Matthew 22 to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, all of our soul and all of our mind. He calls that the greatest commandment. And the second commandment, which he says is like the first, is to love your neighbor as yourself.
Loving Relationships with One Another
Since God loved us so much that He sent his Son to die for our sins, overcome death and send His Spirit to provide direction, we all must strive to emulate that sacrificial love in our own relationships with one another. Namely, we should demonstrate selfless love; enduring, genuine, and unconditional. The love that places your neighbor before yourself, that hurts for others when they are hurting, that lavishes compassion and help upon those in need, that protects the widows and orphans from harm, and that seeks to reflect kindness, respect, truth and grace in all circumstances.
Loving Relationships with Our Enemies
And what about those who are difficult to love or even seemingly impossible to love? God once again provides clear direction: in Matthew 5, Jesus calls us to love our enemies and, “…bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you…” And when asked how many times one must forgive his brother, Jesus responds, “seventy times seven.” Restoration and forgiveness are foundational to loving relationships.
The Bible often references the husband-wife and parent-child relationships as a reflection of God’s connection with us. When strong and healthy, these relationships provide a window into just how deep and wide God’s love is for us who are all still imperfect.
Reflecting this example of the unconditional and lavish love of Christ towards one another in all circumstances; even, and especially, when it’s difficult, is what we believe we are called to do at Liberty Classical Academy.